



Ultrasound R&D Summer Intern
June 2024 - August 2024
    Software Engineer 1 Co-op
    January 2024 - June 2024
      Robotics and Intelligent Vehicles Research Laboratory (RIVeR)
      Research Assistant
      September 2023 - December 2023
        Integrity Security Solutions
        Software Engineer Co-op
        January 2023 - August 2023
          SEDS Mars Rover Challenge
          EBoard (Secretary), Autonomous and Firmware Engineer
          September 2021 - Present
            Community Software Group (CSG)
            Full Stack Software Engineer Intern
            September 2020 - September 2021
              NEU Disrupt
              Finnovate Competitor - Projected second place finisher
              February 2022 - March 2022
                Hackbeanpot Hackathon
                February 2022
                  Personal Projects
                    I've worked on and still am making dozens of projects independently, check them out below!
                  Relevant Accreditations and Awards
                  (woah shiny!)
                  • 2020
                    • Earned Certificate in Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp (via Udemy)
                    • Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction in Spanish
                  • 2021
                    • Earning a 4.0 GPA placed me on the Dean's list at Northeastern's Khoury College of Computer Sciences
                  • 2022
                    • Earning a 4.0 GPA placed me on the Dean's list at Northeastern's Khoury College of Computer Sciences
                  • 2023
                    • Earning a 4.0 GPA placed me on the Dean's list at Northeastern's Khoury College of Computer Sciences
                    • Deep Learning and Neural Networks (via LinkedIn)
                  • 2024
                    • Earning a 4.0 GPA placed me on the Dean's list at Northeastern's Khoury College of Computer Sciences


                  C++ Networked Uno Game

                  I created this project out of my sisters' and my love for the UNO card game and desire to be able to play this game when we couldn't be in person. So, I created this multi-modal uno game that allows both local and networked play using the WinSock2 Socket API. The server and uno game functionality is written using MVC separation, allowing for easy expansions and for the local and networked modes to easily share the majority of the code. A TCP client (written in python for portability across operating systems) is included in this project as well if you want to play on the UNO Game server yourself! This project was my first large scale, non-embedded C++ project!

                  See more details on GitHub

                  Student Center Deep Learning Image Detector

                  Ever wonder when the Northeastern Curry student center is busiest? When should you go to avoid the crowds? Well wonder no more. After training an object detection model and using a webcam in the student center, we now have the answers! View the project on GitHub to learn more!

                  See more details on GitHub

                  IVR Configuration Manager

                  Created this tool for a client to manage and synthesize WAV files used as part of a robo-answering machine (IVR). This tool allowed non-technical users to modify the IVR using an simple to use Angular frontend powered by a .NETCore backend and AWS (used for storage, deployments, and WAV synthesization).

                  ETL Tool (Data Processing)

                  Created a tool for a client that replaced a tedious labeling process (using a 30 page pdf guidebook) with a streamlined angular UI that easily allowed users to label data and upload/edit CSV/EXCEL files they wished to import into our system. This labelled data would be sent to a backend powered by a .NETCore which would then asynchronously process the file data using redis and python workers. These python workers not only allow for infinite horizontal scaling, but using the power of pandas entire CSV/Excel files could be quickly parsed into data types and formats used by the customer's transactional database, thus saving hundreds of hours of support time!

                  Retro Desktop Pet

                  Bored at looking at your desktop or miss your pet while away from home? Then this project is for you! This is a python project that makes an interactive desktop pet that has its own animations. Pets are customizable, can have arbitrary amounts of animations, and can easily be added by editing a config file. When run, the pets will cycle animations, move around the screen by themselves, or be moved by the user's mouse.

                  See more details on GitHub

                  Language Learning Natural Language Processing

                  This is a fullstack web project I did to enhance the reading and learning experience for students learning foreign languages for teach at my school. Using a layout similar to google classroom, it lets users get synonyms and translations for words in readings and then stores that data to allow students and teachers to target their weak-spots. Using Django and a SQL database, this was my first foray into full stack development!

                  See more details on GitHub

                  Raspberry Pi Garage Door Status

                  I always accidentally leave the garage door open when I leave home, so I created a React website using tailwind to display the status of my garage doors. Using a raspberry pi with motion sensors and firebase (with authentication) I was able to get live, secure updates about my garage door on this website.

                  Prototyping With Figma

                  Made an interactive prototype with Figma. Although this is not a coding project, I am very proud of the final result of this Figma prototype.

                  See more details

                  Design Chef

                  Created a tool to automate busy work assigned by professors!

                  See more details on GitHub


                  Created this project as part of my first hackathon ever! With the goal of letting users be able to quickly determine popular trends from different social media sites, we created an backend and API that aggregates search trends from Google as well as relevant content from a variety of sites including Youtube, Tumblr, and many others.

                  See more details

                  Random Food Finder

                  Ever not known where to go for dinner or lunch? Can't decide? Let the site pick the place for you. This site uses the Bing Location API to find restaurants near you and then present you with randomized food options!

                  See more details on GitHub

                  Contact me!

                  Feel free to reach out to me here, I'd love to chat!

                  Email: will@willwalling.com